Activated Carbon Filters

Activated Carbon Filters
2nd Feb

Activated Carbon Filters


Activated carbon filters

 area unit usually used within the method of removing organic compounds and/or extracting free halogen from water, thereby creating the water appropriate for discharge or use in Carbon Black Industry. Eliminating organics in potable water, like dirt and humic substance, prevents halogen within the water from with chemicals reacting with the acids and forming trihalomethanes, a category of known carcinogens.
Activated Carbon (AC) filtration, like any water treatment technique, isn't capable of removing each potential style of contamination. For instance, sodium, microbes, fluoride, and nitrates can't be removed with AC filtration. Water softening conjointly can't be achieved with AC filters. Additionally, significant metals, like lead, will solely be removed with an awfully specific reasonably carbon water treatment, that is often used solely in residential point-of-use filters.


High-Tech Filtration

Activated carbon filtration is one of many processes commonly used in water treatment to remove contaminants such as organic materials, and since it also can remove odor-causing contaminants, it's often used to make drinking water more palatable.

Activated carbon filter remove? Air and Gas Purification — Activated carbon filters out odors, pollutants, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air by trapping gas molecules and removing them efficiently from circulation. During water filtration through activated carbon, contaminants adhere to the surface of these carbon granules or become trapped in the small pores of the activated carbon