Poly Disc Filter

Poly Disc Filter
The Krofta Poly Disc Filter (KPDF) are commonly used in Paper mill wastewater treatment processes. These filters play a crucial role in the removal of suspended solids and other impurities from the wastewater, contributing to the overall efficiency of the treatment system.
Here are some specific uses and benefits of poly disc filters in paper mill wastewater treatment.
Solid Particle Removal: KPDF is effective in removing solid particles, such as fibers, pulp residues, and other suspended solids, from the wastewater. This helps in reducing the overall pollutant load and prevents the accumulation of solids in downstream treatment processes
Clarity Improvement: By removing suspended solids, KPDF contributes to improving the clarity of the wastewater. This is essential for meeting discharge regulations and ensuring that the treated water meets quality standards before being released into the environment.
Protection of Downstream Equipment: The KPDF act as a pre-treatment step, protecting downstream equipment and processes from clogging, abrasion, and damage caused by solid particles. This extends the lifespan of pumps, pipes, and other components in the treatment system.
Enhanced Treatment Performance: The use of KPDF can enhance the overall performance of the wastewater treatment system by maintaining consistent and optimal conditions for subsequent treatment processes. This is important for achieving the desired levels of water quality and compliance with environmental regulations.
Operational Flexibility: The KPDF is versatile and can be easily integrated into existing wastewater treatment systems. They can be adjusted and fine-tuned to accommodate variations in the influent water characteristics, making them suitable for different operating conditions in paper mills.
Ease of Maintenance: KPDF is designed for easy maintenance, with features such as automatic backwashing or manual cleaning mechanisms. This facilitates regular cleaning and ensures that the filters operate efficiently over time.

Detail About Poly Disc Filter